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I am not sure if I already have a profile on, how can I check?
Click "recover your password" bottom-left to find out if you already have a profile on or send us an email and we will gladly check it for you.
I forgot my password. What can I do?
If you have forgotten your password you can click on the ‘’Forgot your password?’’ button at the bottom left of the home page. The system will then automatically send you a an e-mail with instructions on how to set a new one to the email address you provided when creating a profile.

Who handles my application?
At CVWarehouse we don’t recruit people for our customers. We provide the online website that allows you to apply for jobs at customers. The HR-department of the company you applied for will take care of your application.
When am I supposed to get feedback about my application?
CVWarehouse is not responsible for the recruitment process of our customers. The HR-department of the company you applied for will take care of your application and decides how and when to give feedback. If you want more information about your application, we advise you to contact the Human Resources department of the company you applied for.
Can I check whether the company has received my application?
You can easily follow up your application by checking your status changes. These are the statuses used on the website:
  • Pending: your CV has been received.
  • In Process: your application is being treated.
  • CV requested: the company would like to receive your CV in order to further process your application.
  • Waiting for information: the company has tried to contact you and is waiting for you to get in touch.
  • Finalist: you are in the final selection of candidates for this position.
  • Withdrawn: you have decided not to continue.
  • Not withheld: unfortunately your profile did not suit the position.
  • Future: you were not considered for this position now, but will be contacted for future opportunities that match your profile.
  • Presented to end-client: your CV has been forwarded to the person responsible for following up on your application. As this person is not able to further change your status, you will not see any further status changes here.

How can I be sure that I have applied successfully?
You should receive a confirmation by email shortly after your application has been correctly registered.
I can’t create a profile; I always get an error message at the end of my registration. What could be wrong?
There could be different explanations for this problem.
Make sure to fill out all the required fields marked by a yellow star. If you didn’t fill out all of them, you won’t be able to create your profile.
If this doesn’t solve your problem, the system may refuse your application because you already have an existing profile. If this is the case, click on login first and use your existing profile to apply for the job. You can always reset your password if you don’t remember it.
If you still can’t apply don’t hesitate to contact or +32 3 202 42 21 for more assistance.
I uploaded a new document (CV or cover letter). How can I use this new document to apply for a specific company? allows you to select which document can be seen by which company. To make a document you already uploaded for a different company visible for your new application, execute the following steps:
  1. Click on “Log in” on the left hand side.
  2. Enter your password to log in.
  3. Click on your name to navigate to your profile page.
  4. Go to the “All your documents” section.
  5. Via “Browse” you can select the document on your computer that you want to upload.
  6. Click the “Add”-button to upload the document to
  7. The document will now appear under the “All your documents” section.
  8. Click on the edit-button next to the document you just uploaded.
  9. A page with details of the document will appear. You can see the companies for which you applied to there. By using the checkbox, select the companies for which the document needs to be visible.
  10. Click on “Save” to save the changes.
  11. Click on “Return to the form” to return to your profile.
I am looking for my first job, what are the required fields that I need to fill? Do I have to fill all of them?
You don’t have to indicate details about your current and previous job position (category, sector, job title, etc.) in this case. To indicate you are looking for your first job, you can fill out "Not applicable" for example.
How can I hide my details and CV again from a company I once applied with before?
Through "Your applications" you can go to the details of an application and click "Withdraw your application". This will however not hide your details to a specific company. If you want to be removed from a company's database or from CVWarehouse all together, please send us a mail at