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For the last 20 years, WYgroup has been one of the top leading players for digital marketing, technology and creativity services in Portugal. It is currently the largest independent group for Marketing and Customer Experience Services in Portugal, with a collaborative framework of 7 independent companies that – together – create synergic dynamics to provide integrated solutions throughout different areas, such as data, brand communication, user-centered design and technology, to ensure a global 360º solution and add value to its clients.


WYgroup’s 2000 m2 hub is facing the Santo Amaro de Oeiras beach, in Lisbon, Portugal. WYgroup also has satellite offices in Oporto, Portugal and Boston, USA. We are expanding our horizons and spreading curiosity all over the world. This means we can strengthen our international partnerships, widen our focus, attract more talented people and serve our customers better and better.


Together, we are Bliss, Bloomcast Consulting, WYcreative, Performance Sales, NERVO, Lisbon Digital School and WHITE.