Spontaneous application for Business Services

Join our business services services

Our support staff play a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, productivity, and overall client satisfaction. Their dedication allows lawyers to focus on delivering high-quality legal services, confident in the knowledge that they have a strong support network behind them.

Join Liedekerke's Business Services: 

  • Business Systems and Processes. The Business Systems and Processes team takes care of our central systems from a functional perspective and aligns them with the business needs. 
  • Facilities. This department’s priority is to provide optimum service both to clients and visitors to the firm, as well as to the lawyers and the rest of the staff. Management and maintenance of the building, miscellaneous repairs, safety and welfare, office supplies and furniture, internal moves, catering, the copy centre and client hospitality form just some of their many tasks.
  • Finance & Accounting. Our accounting department’s tasks include drawing up the budgets with the departments’ heads, keeping the books, issuing financial reports and managing treasury transactions. It also assists other departments in all follow-up, analysis and financial or budgetary control tasks.
  • IT and Back Office. Our firm’s lawyers need a modern, efficient information and communications system. The ICT department plays a key role in this, providing a high level of technical assistance and setting up new applications. Analysis of new projects, hardware and software support, a user service desk, network administration and database management are also among the department’s essential services.
  • Human Resources. Our human resources department deals with all aspects of HR-administration, organisation and development of the people who are Liedekerke. Its main task is to support the firm’s success by recruiting quality individuals creating an amenable, efficient working environment and ensuring everyone's development, in particular through effective training programmes.
  • Library & Knowledge Management. Our librarians assist the lawyers by researching legal information and are responsible for maintaining a large repository of documentation.
  • Marketing & Business Development. The main aim of our marketing and business development team is to develop and promote the firm’s offered services. The introduction and follow-up of marketing tools (website, brochures, business presentations, intranet, client satisfaction surveys, etc), coordination of contacts with the press or specialist publications as well as organising seminars and events are just some of their many objectives.

If you're keen on becoming a part of one of our Business Services teams but haven't found a suitable open position, why not apply spontaneously?


Votre candidature sera évaluée par le département RH de Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick. Pour plus d'informations sur votre candidature, nous vous prions de contacter le département RH de la société Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick directement.

Si vous avez déjà utilisé CVWarehouse pour postuler en ligne, vous pouvez utiliser votre profil existant. En vous identifiant sur CVWarehouse avec votre profil, le formulaire se remplira automatiquement.

Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick

Liedekerke, un signe de confiance

Depuis 1965, le cabinet d'avocats indépendant Liedekerke est reconnu comme un interlocuteur de premier plan en matière juridique, pour sa vaste expérience et sa recherche constante de l’excellence.

Nos équipes sont renommées dans chacun des domaines que nous pratiquons et nos avocats sont connus pour leur dévouement aux intérêts de nos clients. Dans les dossiers transfrontaliers, nous mettons à leur disposition de solides compétences en droit international et un réseau hors pair, étendu au monde entier, de cabinets d’avocats réputés.

En rassemblant plus de 110 avocats, notre but n’est pas tant d’être le plus grand cabinet belge, que de constituer la référence pour les décideurs à la recherche de conseils fiables, adaptés à leurs besoins, et de solutions juridiques innovantes, propres à éviter ou limiter les conflits.