Privacy and GDPR-agreement

Privacy Notice for Candidates

By submitting your application or CV, you declare to have read the following Privacy Notice for candidates. If you do not want us to use your data as set out below, please do not submit a CV or application.

This Privacy Notice for candidates explains:
• what information we collect in the course of the application and recruitment process;
• how we use this data;
• who has access to your data;
• how long we keep your data;
• how you can consult and update the data we collect about you;
• how can you reach us with questions and comments.


What data do we collect?

This Privacy Notice covers all data that we receive from you and collect and process about you in the context of your application and the further recruitment process or for inclusion in our recruitment database.

These data may include: identification and contact details, personal characteristics (such as gender and date of birth), education and work experience (including grades, certificates, diplomas, references), job preferences, strengths, areas of interest, hobbies, videos, audio clips, financial data (e.g. current and desired salary), all data from your CV, all visible data from your LinkedIn profile and other social media or public websites, and all
other information you give us in writing or orally in the context of your application. This also includes data we may collect from you after the completion of a competence assessment test in the context of your application.

How do we use your data?

Your data will be used within the framework of the application and recruitment process, including for:

1. assessing your skills, qualifications and interests within the framework of our career prospects;

2. checking your data, checking references and / or performing background checks (where applicable);

3. communication concerning the recruitment process and your candidacy;

4. making improvements in the recruitment process of Kinepolis.

The processing for purposes 1, 2 and 3 above are necessary for the possible conclusion of an employment contract between you and Kinepolis, and the processing for purpose 4 is based on the legitimate interest of Kinepolis to improve its recruitment processes, on the basis of the course of the application and recruitment process with you.


Who has access to your data?

Your data can be shared with other entities of the Kinepolis Group.

Within these entities, the following staff members have access to your data:

• HR staff;

• hiring managers;

In certain cases, technical personnel can access your data, but only to the extent that this is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of our technical systems.
Furthermore, your data can be shared with our partnering recruitment agencies. The access to your data will be limited to purposes as described in this Privacy Statement and applicable privacy legislation.

How long do we keep your data?

Data of unsuccessful candidates are retained for a maximum duration of 1 year after the relevant recruitment process. At the end of that period, or once you withdraw your consent, your data is deleted or destroyed.
In case of employment, your details will be included in your personnel file and retained during your employment. The periods for which your data will be held will be provided to you in our Employee Privacy Notice.


Consult and update your data

You have the right to view, correct or delete your data as well as the right to transfer the personal data that you have provided to us to another organisation.
To this end, it is sufficient to contact our HR department by e-mail to, accompanied by a copy of the front of your identity card.
You remain responsible for the data you provide to us and for the consequences. It is not permitted to provide information that infringes obligations relating to privacy, confidentiality, intellectual property or trade secrets of others, unless you have their explicit consent. By passing on references you also guarantee that you have informed those individuals of the processing of their personal data as described here.

In addition, you always have (i) the right to oppose the processing of your personal data, (ii) the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data (where relevant) and (iii) the right to file a complaint with the relevant data protection authority:
- For Belgium:
- For the Netherlands:
- For France:
- For Luxembourg:
- For Spain:


For questions, comments or any complaints concerning the processing of your personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer of Kinepolis via

Changes to this Privacy Notice

Changes are made to this Privacy Notice on a regular basis. The most recent version can always be found on this page. The date on which this text was last modified can be found in the head of the document. Please check on a regular basis whether a new version has been published, as these changes will apply to your data on the date of publication.